Monday, June 15, 2009

RSS feeds

Hey there,

I have finished the RSS feeds module and thoroughly enjoyed it...this whole licence2testdrive buzz took a little to get used to, but it is ok. The use of RSS feeds is efficient and lets you know the latest news in what interests you such as your favourite teams, movies and books. This way, i get all the info i need at one site. As for the use in libraries, i think there is a spot for it. As a library assistant, I am able to keep up to date with other library blogs. Similarly, if we had a VP library blog, clients could keep up to date with the events that are coming up. til next time...

p.s the photos posted here are of Muddy Waters..I recently watched a movie titled "Cadillac Records" which shows the rising of Muddy's career and also shows some of the other legends of rock n roll before the rolling stones!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

social networking

I currently have a bebo and facebook page. I use it to communicate with people. Sometimes i find it difficult to check it on a regular basis, which means i often reply late to messages from friends. I can see the benefits in using these networks for both work and social areas of my life. After my conversation with Andrea, regarding the virtual libraries and the use of online databases, it would be a useful tool for our library as there may be some people who do not go into libraries but would find our resources helpful. I still think that having clients come into the library is better as there is that personal interaction with the client and it also means that I will still have a job serving the customers!!

This picture has nothing to do with social networking, but it looks pretty:)